Inboard/Outboard Winterizing service

Service Description

WINTERIZING PRICE LIST 2020 - Pricing in effect until Oct 9, 2021



          Economy............................................................................................................................ $199.00

          Silver.................................................................................................................................. $299.00

          Gold.................................................................................................................................... $499.00

*Prices are labour only and do not includes parts or supplies

  Economy Silver Gold
Add Fuel Stabilizer                                         Y                                             Y                                              Y
Change Fuel/Water Separator Y Y Y
Check All Fluid Levels Y Y Y
Start & Run Y Y Y
Check Engine Oil & Filter Y - -
Change Engine Oil & Filter - Y Y
Fog Engine Y Y Y
Run Engine on Anti-Freeze Y Y Y
Check Gear Lube Y - -
Change Gear Lube - Y Y
Check Trim Operation Y Y Y
Unhook Batteries Y Y Y
Visual Inspection of Trailer Y Y Y
Grease Gimbal Bearing - Y Y
Remove Drive - - Y
Check Gimbal Bearing - - Y
Check Bellows - - Y
Check Engine Alignment - - Y


Shrink Wrap*

          Pontoon Boats...................................................................................................................... $40/ft

          Boats up to 18’...................................................................................................................... $35/ft

          Boats 19’ – 21’........................................................................................................................ $37/ft

          Boats 22’ and over, beam less than 8’5”............................................................................ $39/ft

          Boats 22’ and over, beam over 8’6”.................................................................................... $41/ft

          PWC.................................................................................................................................... $349.00

* Price includes wrap and framing, does not include moisture absorber

*Price quoted may be adjusted based on actual field measurement of boat at time of shrink wrap